Weis Timelenders advertisement sign in a Time Zone
Weis Timelenders is a company founded and owned by Phillipe Weis.
Founded sometime before the start of the film, Weis Timelenders lends time to the people in Dayton (and possibly other Time Zones). It was later robbed by Will Salas and Sylvia Weis and several other people (after they were informed by Will and Sylvia that Weis Timelenders would be offering time with zero interests). Time Keeper Raymon Leon and his men saw the van that was crashed in it and all the empty Time Holders all over the place and people not looking at their clocks.
"Take the time. It's free." - Sylvia Weis to the people in need of more time.
- Weis Timelenders may have other branches in other Time Zones, as the news reported Will and Sylvia robbing more than one branch.
- The time they loan to people measures in weeks, months and years, judging from the number of capsules they have.
- It is not known how many branches there are.