InTime Wiki

A Timekeeper or Time Keeper is the equivalent of a member of the police force in the universe of In Time.

They are tasked with keeping order in the Time Zones and making sure that those that threaten the system are punished. One of their locations where they police the people is in New Greenwich.

After the death of Timekeeper Raymon Leon, the theft of one-million years and its distribution across the population of Dayton, it is unknown what happens to the Timekeeper organization.

List of known Timekeepers[]


  • Despite their service to the public, it appears that Timekeepers are paid very little in terms of time.
    • The time they are paid is called a "per diem".
    • "Per diem" means "the day" in Latin.
  • Timekeepers may be somewhat similar to corrupt police, being as they don't bother to go after people that are actually guilty of crimes, like Fortis, a known criminal, simply because he only steals from his own people in Dayton instead of the wealthy of places like New Greenwich.
    • However, this may only be due to Raymon preferring to go after Will instead of criminals like Fortis.